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Clinical Cancer Research
Clinical Cancer Research publishes innovative clinical and translational cancer research studies that bridge the laboratory and the clinic. The Journal is especially interested in clinical trials evaluating new treatments, accompanied by research on pharmacology, and molecular alterations or biomarkers that predict response or resistance to treatment. The Journal also prioritizes laboratory and animal studies of new drugs and molecule-targeted agents with the potential to lead to clinical trials, and studies of targetable mechanisms of oncogenesis, progression of the malignant phenotype, and metastatic disease.
Specific areas of interest include clinical and translational research in targeted therapies; mechanisms of drug sensitivity and resistance; pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics; personalized medicine; novel applications of bioinformatics and biostatistics; immunotherapy and clinical immunology; gene therapy; radiobiology and radiation oncology; large-scale molecular characterization of human tumors; diagnostic biomarkers; innovative imaging and other novel methods with potential applicability to clinical investigation; clinical genetics; and detection of minimal disease.