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Current Opinion in Neurobiology
Current Opinion in Neurobiology publishes short annotated reviews by leading experts on recent developments in the field of neurobiology. These experts write short reviews describing recent discoveries in this field (in the past 2-5 years), as well as highlighting select individual papers of particular significance.
The journal is thus an important resource allowing researchers and educators to quickly gain an overview and rich understanding of complex and current issues in the field of Neurobiology. The journal takes a unique and valuable approach in focusing each special issue around a topic of scientific and/or societal interest, and then bringing together leading international experts studying that topic, embracing diverse methodologies and perspectives.
Journal Content: The journal consists of 6 issues per year, covering 8 recurring topics every other year in the following categories:
-Neurobiology of Disease-
Neurobiology of Behavior-
Cellular Neuroscience-
Systems Neuroscience-
Developmental Neuroscience-
Neurobiology of Learning and Plasticity-
Molecular Neuroscience-
Computational Neuroscience