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International Journal of Press/Politics
The International Journal of Press/Politics is an interdisciplinary journal for the analysis and discussion of the role of the press and politics in a globalized world. The Journal is interested in theoretical and empirical research on the linkages between the news media and political processes and actors. Special attention is given to the following subjects: the press and political institutions (e.g. the state, government, political parties, social movements, unions, interest groups, business), the politics of media coverage of social and cultural issues (e.g. race, language, health, environment, gender, nationhood, migration, labor), the dynamics and effects of political communication (e.g. election campaigning, advocacy, grassroots mobilization, political advertising, lobbying), politics and media systems, and the relation between politics and journalistic practice. The Journal encourages comparative, cross-national research from various theoretical and methodological approaches across the social sciences. It features long and short research articles, commentary on pedagogy and current news headlines from around the world, and a book review section.