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Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis
Urban and regional questions are crucial in understanding the present territorial conditions. From the World Bank’s ‘rediscovery’ in its 2009 Report of the potential of cities in encouraging economic growth, to the multiple ways in which cities are being drawn into the processes of neoliberalism, to the dynamic growth of cities in the developing countries in Asia far out stripping the scale of cities in the older urbanized nations – everywhere there are signs of a rapidly changing urban condition. The same is true for the regions where ‘old questions’ of regional economic disparity and uneven development are being given a new twist as economic globalization impacts the national and local arenas.
JURA, the Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis, working as an Open-access journal (with two issues/year, in February and in August – starting with 2020; previously annually publishing in June and in December, for the period 2009-2019), was launched as a response to the exciting world of urban and regional research emerging in reaction to these changes happening in the real world.
JURA represents the initiative of the Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Research on Territorial Dynamics (CICADIT) at the University of Bucharest working in collaboration with Ronan Paddison at the University of Glasgow. While the intention is that articles published by JURA will draw on examples throughout the world, particular emphasis will be given to urban and regional change as it is being experienced in Eastern Europe.