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Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
The Review of Environmental Economics and Policy is the official journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists and the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. REEP fills the gap between traditional academic journals and the general interest press by providing a widely accessible yet scholarly source for the latest thinking on environmental economics and related policy. REEP publishes symposia, articles, and regular features that contribute to one or more of the following goals:
To identify and synthesize lessons learned from recent and ongoing environmental economics research;
To provide economic analysis of environmental policy issues;
To promote the sharing of ideas and perspectives among the various sub-fields of environmental economics;
To strengthen the linkages between environmental economics research and environmental policy;
To encourage communication and connections between academics and the wider policy community;
To offer suggestions for future research;
To provide insights and readings for use in the classroom;
To address issues of interest to the environmental economics profession.