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Endocrine-Related Cancer
Endocrine-Related Cancer is an official flagship journal of the Society for Endocrinology and is endorsed by the European Society of Endocrinology, the United Kingdom and Ireland Neuroendocrine Society, and the Japanese Hormones and Cancer Society.
Endocrine-Related Cancer provides a unique international forum for the publication of high quality original articles describing novel, cutting edge basic laboratory, translational and clinical investigations of human health and disease focusing on endocrine neoplasias and hormone-dependent cancers; and for the publication of authoritative review articles in these topics.
Endocrine neoplasias include adrenal cortex, breast, multiple endocrine neoplasia, neuroendocrine tumours, ovary, prostate, paraganglioma, parathyroid, pheochromocytoma pituitary, testes, thyroid and hormone-dependent cancers. Neoplasias affecting metabolism and energy production such as bladder, bone, kidney, lung, and head and neck, are also considered.