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European Journal of Operational Research
The European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) publishes high quality, original papers that contribute to the methodology of operational research (OR) and to the practice of decision making. EJOR contains the following types of papers:
• Invited Reviews, explaining to the general OR audience the developments in an OR topic over the recent years
• Innovative Applications of OR, describing novel ways to solve real problems
• Theory and Methodology Papers, presenting original research results contributing to the methodology of OR and to its theoretical foundations,
• Short Communications, if they correct important deficiencies of papers previously published in EJOR
The Theory and Methodology Papers are classified into one of the seven headings:
• Continuous Optimization
• Discrete Optimization
• Production, Manufacturing and Logistics
• Stochastics and Statistics
• Decision Support
• Computational Intelligence and Information Management
• Interfaces with Other Disciplines
In addition to these types of papers, EJOR contains Book Reviews.