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- Call for Papers
International Journal of Operations and Production Management
IJOPM’s mission is to publish leading-edge, innovative research that has the potential to significantly advance the field of Operations and Supply Chain Management, theoretically and practically. Drawing on the experiences of both manufacturing and service industry sectors, in both private and public settings, the journal has become a widely respected resource in a complex and increasingly important field in business management.
IJOPM articles can include:
Empirical research articles
Literature reviews, surveys and critiques of published articles
Expert opinion papers – these will always be led by outstanding scholars.
Occasional purely conceptual research – this is often a challenge for academics and the quality of content must be on par with other published articles in IJOPM in terms of rigor and potential The scope of the Journal covers all aspects of operations and supply chain management: manufacturing and service sectors, profit and non-for-profit organizations, including, but not limited to, the topics listed below.