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International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology accepts original contributions on all aspects of green manufacturing. The journal’s specific focus areas include, but are not limited to:
Energy Saving and Waste Reduction in Manufacturing Processes,
Subtractive Processes (Machining, Grinding, Laser, Non-traditional Machining, etc),
Additive Processes (Welding, Bonding, 3D Printing, R2R, etc),
Material Transform Processes (Forming, Casting, etc),
Material Trans-property Processes (Heat Treatment, Surface Treatment, etc),
Hybrid Processes,
Multi-scale Processes.
Manufacturing of New and Renewable Energy Devices,
Fuel Cell,
Battery and Capacitor,
Energy Harvesting.
Design and Manufacturing of Green Products,
Machinery (H/W, S/W, Process Planning, etc),
Automobile (Hybrid, Electric Vehicle, etc),
Robots (H/W, S/W, Biomimetic, etc),
Design for Manufacturing (DFM, DFE, DFA),
Product Using Appropriate Technology.
Materials for Green Manufacturing,
Lightweight Materials and Structures,
Muti-functional Materials,
Eco-Friendly Materials,
Bio/Recyclable Materials,
Energy Harvesting/Conversion/Storage Materials,
Functionally Graded Materials and Structures for Energy Saving,
Smart Materials and Systems,
Micro-/Nano-materials for Green Applications.
Management and Policy for Sustainable Manufacturing,
Energy Monitoring and Control,
Energy and Environment Management,
Government Policy and Strategy,
Green Factory,
Smart Grid and Smart Meter.