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International Reviews of Immunology
This review journal provides the most current information on basic and translational research in immunology and related fields. In addition to invited reviews, the journal accepts for publication articles and editorials on relevant topics proposed by contributors. Each issue of International Reviews of Immunology contains both solicited and unsolicited review articles, editorials, and ‘In-this-Issue’ highlights. The journal also hosts reviews that position the authors’ original work relative to advances in a given field, bridging the gap between annual reviews and the original research articles.
This review series is relevant to all immunologists, molecular biologists, microbiologists, translational scientists, industry researchers, and physicians who work in basic and clinical immunology, inflammatory and allergic diseases, vaccines, and additional topics relevant to medical research and drug development that connect immunology to disciplines such as oncology, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic disorders.
Covered in International Reviews of Immunology: Basic and developmental immunology (innate and adaptive immunity; inflammation; and tumor and microbial immunology); Clinical research (mechanisms of disease in man pertaining to infectious diseases, autoimmunity, allergy, oncology / immunology); and Translational research (relevant to biomarkers, diagnostics, vaccines, and drug development).