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- Call for Papers
International Security
International Security publishes lucid, well-documented essays on the full range of contemporary security issues. Its articles address traditional topics of war and peace, as well as more recent dimensions of security, including environmental, demographic, and humanitarian issues, transnational networks, and emerging technologies.
International Security has defined the debate on US national security policy and set the agenda for scholarship on international security affairs for more than forty years. The journal values scholarship that challenges the conventional wisdom, examines policy, engages theory, illuminates history, and discovers new trends.
Readers of IS discover new developments in:
The causes and prevention of war
U.S.-China relations
Great power politics
Ethnic conflict and intra-state war
Terrorism and insurgency
Regional security in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America
U.S. foreign and defense policy
International relations theory
Diplomatic and military history
Cybersecurity and defense technology
Political economy, business, and security
Nuclear proliferation.