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Journal of Consumer Culture
The Journal of Consumer Culture is fully peer reviewed journal, that supports and promotes the continuing expansion in interdisciplinary research focused on consumption and consumer culture, opening up debates and areas of exploration. Global in perspective and drawing on both theory and empirical research, the journal reflects the need to engage critically with modern consumer culture and to understand its central role in contemporary social processes.
The Journal of Consumer Culture brings together articles from the many social sciences and humanities in which consumer culture has become a significant focus. It also engages with overarching contemporary perspectives on social transformation, all of which give an unprecedented importance to consumption in understanding social processes at both local and global levels.
The Journal of Consumer Culture covers a wide range of topics relating consumer culture to issues such as:
shopping and marketing
the body
ecommerce and the information society
social divisions of gender, class, sexuality and ethnicity
aestheticisation and virtuality
science and technology studies
environmental critiques
popular and material culture
taste, style and fashion
classical and contemporary social theory
economic sociology
production and design
media and cultural consumption.