- Agricultural-Biological Sciences
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- Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology
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- Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Economics, Econometrics, Finance
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- Environmental Science
- Immunology & Microbiology
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- Call for Papers
Limnology and Oceanography
Limnology and Oceanography (L&O) publishes research articles, reviews, and comments about all aspects of the sciences of limnology and oceanography. The journal’s unifying theme is the understanding of aquatic systems. Submissions are judged on their originality and intellectual contribution to the fields of limnology and oceanography, whether physical, chemical, or biological in nature, empirical or theoretical in method, and from elemental to geological, ecological to evolutionary, species to ecosystem, or system to global in scale. Preference is given to papers that are based within the scientific philosophy of novel, hypothesis-driven or observational research that contributes significantly to a broader understanding of aquatic sciences.