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- Call for Papers
Medicinal Research Reviews
Medicinal Research Reviews publishes timely, critical reviews and opinion-based articles on topics related to medicinal research, broadly defined, to which the authors have made significant contributions.
Appropriate topics include, but are not limited to, the underlying pathophysiology of important diseases and disease vectors; therapeutic approaches to the treatment of various diseases; the properties of molecular targets for therapeutic agents; important new methodologies facilitating the search for therapies; genomics and proteomics; structure-activity correlations of drug series; the development of new imaging and diagnostic tools; drug metabolism; drug delivery; and chemical, pharmacological, pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and clinical characteristics of important drugs.
Articles are mainly solicited by the Editors; however, voluntary contributions are also encouraged. In the latter case, potential authors are asked to contact the Editor-in-chief with an outline (see below) before beginning to write in order to avoid duplication of effort and to ensure suitability of the topic and the level of coverage.