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- Call for Papers
Nuclear Science and Engineering
Nuclear Science and Engineering is the oldest peer-reviewed journal in its field. Our aim now is the same as when we started publication in 1956, which is to provide the leading source of information on fundamental and applied research in all scientific areas related to the peaceful use of nuclear energy for the benefit of all. We publish technical papers, technical notes, critical reviews, rapid communications, book reviews, and letters to the editor.
Technical papers present archival, original contributions to the field of knowledge.
Technical notes describe preliminary results or limited extensions of previously reported work.
Critical reviews combine a focused topical overview with an extensive literature review to critically evaluate the state-of-the-art, but do not necessarily add new knowledge to the field.
Rapid communications provide speedy publication, after accelerated review and processing, of innovative work of high and immediate interest to the journal readership.
Book reviews give an overview of a recently published book, including a brief summary and statement of value to the community.
Letters to the editor provide an expeditious medium for comments on editorial policies and for discussions on the content of other contributions.
We welcome submissions that explore the following topics:
Fundamental physics related to nuclear systems
Theoretical physics
Radiation physics
Reactor physics
Nuclear criticality
Nuclear data and reactions
Neutron transport
Reactor core analysis and modeling
Uncertainty analysis and quantification
Reactor and fuel performance analysis
Transient analysis
Fluid dynamics/multiphase flow
Heat transfer
Fission product yields
Waste product analysis
Depletion/burnup of nuclear fuels.