- Agricultural-Biological Sciences
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- Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology
- Business Management Accounting
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- Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Economics, Econometrics, Finance
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- Call for Papers
Redox Biology
Redox Biology is a forum for novel research, methods and review articles in redox biology in the areas of both health and disease. Acceptable paper types are research articles (short or full communications), methods, mini-reviews, and commentaries in the following areas:
Cell and Molecular Biology-
Cell Signaling-
Redox Biology will also consider research articles focused in chemical or biochemical mechanisms of redox biology, if these include data demonstrating effects in physiologically relevant models. Studies of uncharacterized complex mixtures of natural products are not a suitable area of focus for the journal. Studies using commercial, undefined kits as the sole or primary assay for redox related changes which are not validated using other methods will not be considered for publication.
Redox Biology introduces Graphical Redox Reviews. These reviews will summarize schematically key concepts, established and novel ideas in redox biology which will be accessible to a broad audience and freely downloaded as PowerPoint slides for use in teaching or conference presentations.