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Seminars in Liver Disease
Seminars in Liver Disease is a quarterly review journal that publishes issues related to the specialties of hepatology and gastroenterology.
As the premiere review journal in the field, Seminars in Liver Disease provides in-depth coverage with articles and issues focusing on topics such as cirrhosis, transplantation, vascular and coagulation disorders, cytokines, hepatitis B & C, Nonalcoholic Steatosis Syndromes (NASH), pediatric liver diseases, hepatic stem cells, porphyrias as well as a myriad of other diseases related to the liver. Attention is also given to the latest developments in drug therapy along with treatment and current management techniques. Seminars in Liver Disease publishes commissioned reviews. Unsolicited reviews of an exceptional nature or original articles presenting remarkable results will be considered, but case reports will not be published.