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Toxicology is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes only the highest quality original scientific research and critical reviews describing hypothesis-based investigations into mechanisms of toxicity associated with exposures to xenobiotic chemicals, particularly as it relates to human health. In this respect “mechanisms” is defined on both the macro (e.g. physiological, biological, kinetic, species, sex, etc.) and molecular (genomic, transcriptomic, metabolic, etc.) scale. Emphasis is placed on findings that identify novel hazards and that can be extrapolated to exposures and mechanisms that are relevant to estimating human risk. Toxicology also publishes brief communications, personal commentaries and opinion articles, as well as concise expert reviews on contemporary topics. All research and review articles published in Toxicology are subject to rigorous peer review. Authors are asked to contact the Editor-in-Chief prior to submitting review articles or commentaries for consideration for publication in Toxicology.